The name of Mr Naval Kishore Rathi, who has earned world-class fame by doing extensive research on the number 9, is also recorded in the Golden Book of World Records and Limca Book. A time also came in the life of Mr Naval Kishore Rathi when he thought of ending his life by turning away from the struggle of life. Since childhood, a question used to flash in your mind that in World War II when Japan was destroyed by bombing. Even after that, today it has stood in the frontline of the developed countries of the world, so why is India lagging in this race? If we do our work with a true heart, following honesty, then definitely the day is not far when India too can again get that status of Jagadguru. Born on October 24, 1968, in Ural, a village in the Akola district of Maharashtra province, almost backwards in terms of development, Shri Rathi ji came to Raipur, the capital of Chhattisgarh state, facing various storms in his childhood. Staying here, due to your ability, hard work and Gurudev’s guidance had such an impact on you that you not only enriched your life but also made the youth of the country aware of them as the real power of the future. He inculcates that spirit in them, through which the country can be taken to the pinnacle. Till now you have made thousands of students aware by visiting many schools and colleges. Chhattisgarh province is considered to be the key to development and by setting up a mission named Chhattisgarh vs Japan, there is continuous association in this direction. Today, you are invited not only to Chhattisgarh state but also to many other places where you make people aware. You are working wholeheartedly for the revival of the country’s common heritage, composite culture, religious harmony etc.