The health of a human being is said to be the biggest wealth, which is present because the body is the medium to experience all the happiness and all the happiness on earth, and if the body itself remains unwell, then all the happiness and wealth are wasted. Due to the present lifestyle, the heart itself, which keeps the whole body healthy by operating it, is getting sick. It is a matter of concern that at present heart-related problems are also arising in young people. Experts believe that along with unhygienic food habits, lack of physical exertion is also increasing heart-borne diseases. It is explained by doctors to the general public that they must walk for some time in the day so that they remain free from heart disease. In this direction, a young man from Bhopal, Mr Shailendra Dubey, who is studying medical science, started making people aware of some of his colleagues. In the year 2018, you discovered a unique recipe to organize a cardio mini-marathon through a voluntary organization Jeevan Sarthak Social Welfare Society. On the one hand, this helps people to stay healthy and on the other hand, it is also achieving great success in awakening everyone. In 2019, Shailendra Dubey prepared 2000 people to participate in the Cardio Mini Marathon. Heart-healthy people took part in this. The race of about 3.5 kilometres became the only race of its kind in the world. This unique marathon started at 6:00 am on 29 September 2019 in collaboration with Ubuntu Heart Hospital, Bhopal and ended at Ubuntu Heart Hospital after passing through different areas of the city and a record was created at the same time. Recorded in the Golden Book of World Records as the world’s only cardio run mini-marathon which was previously held by Bhutan and Island. Mr Shailendra Dubey, the father of this excellent latest ideology, who himself is a doctor, understood the importance of walking to keep the body healthy and has set an example by finding this wonderful way to awaken the general public. You also keep awakening people for blood donation, as well as women empowerment, you also try hard for excellent education of children living in slums. Mr Shailendra Dubey was born on September 11, 1991, in the house of Mr Rajendra Dubey, an advocate by profession and health worker mother Mrs Asha Dubey, has been awarded 17 national and about 50 international honours so far due to his spiritual practice at such a young age.