Publication of a book of games in Braille script for students who are unable to play, entertainment due to visual impairment, at their own expense, roaming around 40 cities of the country and distributing it free of cost among the students. . In order to make the students of the country aware of the country’s cultural heritage and patriotism and to make everyone aware about it, print leaflets at their own expense and distribute them in schools. Shubhangi Apte, a goddess living in Raipur, Chhattisgarh province, who has done all this by taking a bag with her money and distributing it among the people for free, has dedicated her life to the protection of the environment and the welfare of the downtrodden. Like the common people, you were not satisfied just by seeing the success of your loved ones, on coming out of the house, seeing the deprived, exploited sections of the people, all the happiness, the norms of development seem like teasing. It would have felt very painful to see the environmental imbalance being swallowed up by the new standards of development. You saw that polythene has become an essential part of life today, you decided to make cloth bags and distribute them free of cost among the people and request them not to use polythene bags. The plan was very good but its implementation was not so simple. How to arrange clothes, how to celebrate their bag, how much would be the expenditure on all these and how to arrange it, this Yaksha question was in front. She went out with her husband Mr. Sanjay Apte and started begging for clothes, used to go to the tailors and ask for the cut, leftover clothes, in the beginning this task was not so easy. People used to make fun of your work, a few people gave clothes half-heartedly, and some people even flatly refused. The cloth that was collected would be stitched with her own money, then she would take the bag and distribute it free of cost among the people. People used to ridicule in the beginning even after taking the bag for free, you never let disappointment enter your mind and continued in this work. This is the daily work of asking for clothes, sewing their bags and then distributing them. Slowly people started understanding your work in their mind, everyone thought that something is definitely there in this couple, otherwise what is the need for them to do this work, people started taking interest in your work. Many even started coming with a sense of cooperation, slowly people started participating in your works with full enthusiasm and now your works are also being appreciated. The clothes for which you used to go to people to ask, some people used to give, some did not give. Now the same people themselves have started coming to your house to give you clothes, you have hired 3 women to stitch bags, you give four rupees for sewing a bag to those women, in this way you have given employment to 3 women. . In this way now you go around distributing cloth bags all around. Now you are highly appreciated all around and people feel honored to associate with you. You have also made a world record. You are also a writer, about a dozen of your books have been published. You are an excellent artist and you also work in theater, but the feeling of public welfare remains present in all of them. Filled with the spirit of public welfare, this Goddess has recorded more than two dozen world records in the Golden Book of World Records through her various works, which are wonderful in themselves. You have dozens of world records to your name including distribution of most cloth bags, collection of world’s smallest scissors made of gold, most ring collection, most visiting card collection, most menu card collection of all hotels in the world, most keychain collection .