Acupuncture therapy is the oldest method of treatment originally from China. Its earliest written records are found in Chinese texts. Acupuncture is the process of inserting needles and manipulations into various points on the body for pain relief or medical purposes. This Chinese traditional medicine system is expanded to 183 countries today. The World Health Organization has included this Chinese traditional medicine in the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases. So far 103 member countries have recognized the use of acupuncture, out of which 29 countries have also made laws and regulations for this medical practice.
In India too, there are experts to remove many physical problems through acupuncture who are doing successful treatment. One such distinguished doctor is Dr BS Taneja, a resident of Noida. Born on August 9, 1954, in the courtyard of Mr Dr JL Taneja and Mrs Rajkumari Taneja, Mr Dr BS Taneja received a Bachelor of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery as an excellent student. After that, he did a post-graduation in Clinical Psychology from Gurukul Kangri University Haridwar. After doing a Doctor of Medicine in Acupuncture Therapy in the year 1985, took membership in M.I.C.C.M., Delhi and M.I.C.Ac., Beijing. After this, you started providing services as a doctor. For the last almost four decades, you have been making people healthy by treating them with the method of acupuncture therapy. Due to your amazing grip on the subject, your fame increased day by day and you became famous far and wide. In recognition of his exceptional merit and meritorious services in acupuncture, he was awarded the Gold Medal by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines on the occasion of International AIDS Day held at Kolkata on 1 December 1993. This honour was given to you by Mrs Renuka Chowdhary, Honorable Union Minister of Health. After this, he was decorated with many more honours.
Today, in your Psycho-Acupuncture and Medicare Center in Noida, you treat people with all modern facilities, by using acupuncture and psychology, for those incurable diseases which are generally difficult to treat, those patients come to you, who are treated by allopathic or any other method. Even after getting tired of getting treatment in medical methods, the result is not found, such as migraine, arthritis pain, neck pain, paralysis, asthma, allergy, slip disc, back pain, cervical spondylosis, blood clot, knee pain, loss of memory or nervous system They come to you for related diseases or other pains. For this, you have to give time according to the problem. So far you have served more than fifty thousand (50000), people, your first goal is to cure your patient, you do this work not only for earning a living but for the sense of service. The biggest thing is that you always keep yourself updated, and for this, you are always in touch with world-class doctors. Your father Dr JL Taneja was a very famous doctor. And he used to say, “You have been made a doctor so that you can serve the human being.” Even today remembering his words, you see your patients with the same service attitude. This is the reason that your fame is not only in Noida city but in the entire Uttar Pradesh. Even today such a person comes, who is not able to pay your fees, you fulfil the duty of a good doctor by treating him free of cost.
You have a large collection of needles used for acupuncture therapy. Keeping in view the collection of such a large number of used needles in acupuncture medical practice, once it was suggested by one of your acquaintances to register it in the world record. As a result, the application was sent by contacting the office of the world-famous organization Golden Book of World Records. December 30, 2014, after verification; Due to having a huge collection of 10640 medical needles used in acupuncture, your name was registered in the Golden Book of World Records titled “Largest Collection of Acupuncture Needles”. You have been praised all around for this international achievement, but still, you are engaged in this service practice and are engaged in the campaign to restore health to people suffering from various types of diseases.