Acu is a Chinese word, which means point. There are a total of 365 energy points in our body. If the treatment is done by puncturing these points with a fine needle, then it is called acupuncture and if pressure is applied on the same points with the hand or any equipment, then it is called acupressure. Acupuncture therapy is an ancient method used for treatment in China. Its proof is found in early Chinese records and Chinese texts. This technique is usually used for pain relief. It has been used for centuries in China and other Asian countries. In acupuncture, fine needles are inserted into special points of the body. One session of this is usually 40-60 minutes and 15-20 points are punctured at a time. Acupuncture is considered very effective in migraine, tension headaches, anxiety, sinus, asthma, bronchitis, facial paralysis, tonsils, eye disease optic nerve atrophy, chronic cold, cervical spondylitis, arthritis, body pain, gas, acidity, infertility and other women’s problems etc. It also helps in increasing immunity.
Dr. B S Taneja of Noida, Uttar Pradesh is a specialist doctor who is an expert in curing many physical problems through acupuncture method. For the last four decades, Dr. Taneja has been treating people through acupuncture treatment method and making them healthy. Dr. Taneja has a huge collection of 10,640 medical needles used for acupuncture treatment. For this special collection, Dr. B S Taneja’s name was recorded in the Golden Book of World Records as a world record with the title of “Largest Collection of Acupuncture Needles“. Those patients come to Dr. Taneja who do not get results even after getting tired of getting treatment in allopathic or other medical methods. Due to his special experience and knowledge of acupuncture treatment methods, till now he has treated more than 50,000 patients and provided them relief.
Dr. B.S. Taneja, at his Psycho-Acupuncture & Medicare Center, Noida, uses acupuncture and psychology with all the modern facilities to treat incurable diseases that are generally difficult to treat. Due to his amazing grasp of the subject, Dr. Taneja has been honoured with many honours. Because of his extraordinary ability and commendable services in acupuncture, he was awarded the Gold Medal by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines in a program organized on the occasion of International AIDS Day in Kolkata. This honour was given to him by Mrs. Renuka Chaudhary, Honorable Union Minister of Health. Dr. B.S. Taneja is famous not only in the city of Noida but in the whole of Uttar Pradesh.