No money in his pocket and his left leg was amputated in a train accident, but roaming around the whole of India with a bicycle, the indomitable enthusiasm to make people aware of cleanliness and health was stirring inside. This is the story of a 32-year-old prodigious youth named Mr Pradeep Kumar, a resident of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, who has set an example today by overcoming every difficulty with his courage. On August 10, 2013, he was travelling on a train with his colleagues, when an accident took place, in which his life was saved but his left leg was amputated. A brave man in such a way that while going to the operation room, his fellow people were crying and Pradeep Ji was explaining to everyone don’t worry, nothing will happen to me. About 5 months after the operation, he started trying to walk slowly by applying an artificial leg, then running and after some time cycling. In the beginning, there were many difficulties in practising, there was a lot of physical pain, and even more painful than that, listening to people’s taunts, still your courage was getting intense and started thinking in your mind to do something. Hearing about a marathon being organized by a disabled organization in Indore, there was an intention to participate in it, but initially discouraging people came, it is a different matter that you were not going to give up on your intentions. The idea came to your mind that why not make a world record made by bicycle, what was it, you contacted the office of the Golden Book of World Records. Understanding all the formalities, you started making your programme. Because gradually you started cycling far and wide, so the thought came to your mind to tour the whole country with the help of a cycle. You informed about your intention to many people, officials and politicians, and all of them talked about helping you in every possible way, then what was it? On 14 December 2017, on the day of Dussehra, you started your journey from Indore carrying your luggage of 40 kgs on your shoulders in the presence of lakhs of people including the Collector, Mayor, MLA, MP, other officers and various eminent personalities of the society. In every province of the country, everywhere you went, you were welcomed and you got support from every section of the society, yes there were difficulties, injuries, diseases, attacks from wild animals, and geographical, and monsoon problems, but the journey continued. During the journey across the country, you met many top politicians, artists, high officials etc. by whom your work was highly praised. Upon completion of this journey of 15000 km in June 2018, feelings were shaken and stunned. Your extraordinary success was recorded in the Golden Book of World Records as a disabled cyclist cycling the longest distance and a world record was inscribed on your name. You were praised by respected people of the society and everyone was assured to cooperate with you in future also. Today people take inspiration from the life story of respected Pradeep Ji, you are invited to the country and abroad, you are honoured with great honours, and books are being written on you. But there was a time when your father Mr. Shantilal ji used to run the family somehow and your mother used to run the family in the form of Mrs. Kiran Bala ji. At that time you had to stumble door to door. At age 10, Pradeep Ji had to do a job for only ₹ 200 per month. During his studies, he did his course in acting at Mumbai University and joined theatre as an artist and today he works as a professional artist. Pradeep Ji, who has extraordinary talent, and is also a great artist, has had the opportunity to act in many films including Dance India Dance. Looking at your spirit, many organizations in Madhya Pradesh feel proud to associate themselves.