Many government schemes and departments are working for environmental protection, yet expected success is not being achieved. Mr Rajeev Pahwa, a resident of Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, has dedicated his life to river conservation, environmental protection etc. for the last three decades by closing his business. Born on March 12, 1958, Shri Pahwa ji was engaged in business in his early days like his father Shri Amarnath Pahwa ji. In those days, various companies used to send you on business trips in India and abroad. During the journey one used to see the beauty of the country’s mountains, rivers, and forests, but seeing different types of filth everywhere, the mind used to get upset and the mind used to think that how the filth is covering all this beauty. Due to this feeling, you started working for environmental protection. Seeing the multi-faceted side effects of polythene, you started running an anti-polythene campaign, that too when the governments did not even think anything in this direction. For this, you started running public awareness campaign which is still going on continuously. After some time, you were distressed to see the plight of the Shipra River of Ujjain, people were suffering from severe water problems, and severe pollution in the river, and the purity of the river was disappearing. Seeing this, you decided to make people aware to clean the Shipra River and started with full devotion. For this, a Family Heritage Walk was organized under your leadership on January 24, 2016, in which the people of the city participated with full enthusiasm. In this program, your name was recorded in two world records, the Golden Book of World Records. You continuously train people about the environment, river pollution, side effects of polythene etc. and continuously run public awareness campaigns. In the year 2019, by doing another unmatched work, you registered your name in the Golden Book of World Records. Under your leadership, 1100 Triveni trees were planted in 1100 villages in a single day, along with fifteen more trees planted in the entire village. In this way, it was a unique work in itself towards the environment, which was highly praised all around. Mr Rajeev Pahwa ji has become an example today, seeing your works, everyone bows down. Your austerity for environmental protection is continuing and the process of making people aware is also going on.