Mr. Hiren V. Mandolia, a resident of Bhavnagar Gujarat and serving as Head of the Department in a Government Polytechnic College, once saw a video in which a gentleman was demonstrating memory in an extraordinary way. Seeing this video had a great impact on you and you also thought of working in that direction and got involved in this work. Slowly you started researching on the methods of remembering, you started getting a lot of success in this. After randomizing the different numbers, you can easily remember them. Similarly, no matter how much you shuffle on the chessboard, you start remembering it too. You were consistently successful in several subsequent tests of your memory even while blindfolded. Do you remember, due to simple methods, you were also invited to live programs on many television channels, in which you surprised everyone exceptionally? Gradually your fame increased immensely and later you thought of registering a world record of your specialty, then contacted the office of the Golden Book of World Records and applied the prescribed standards. After scrutiny of your application, your name has been entered in the Golden Book of World Records with the title of “Fastest Arrangement of Memory” on 2nd March 2020. There was an influx of people congratulating Mr Hiren V Mandoliya ji on this extraordinary achievement and you were also honoured with many things. Born on March 2, 1970, in the courtyard of engineer father Mr Vinod Rai and mother Mrs Sumati Ben, Mr Hiren B. Mandoliya did his graduation in engineering and post-graduation in chemical engineering. Today you have become the pride of not only Bhavnagar but of the entire Gujarat state.