by Newspositive
Actions speak louder than words. It is not necessary to win every battle. It is necessary to learn something from every defeat, till then earn. Until the “expensive” thing starts to look “cheap”, be it goods or respect.
by Newspositive
Make “life” so wonderful that even a “disappointed person’s eyes shine by remembering you.
by Newspositive
A lock opened with a key is useful again and again, but when opened with a hammer, it is of no use again. Similarly, open the locks of relationships not with the hammer of anger but with the key of love.
by Newspositive
Nature should be like the sun, neither the pride of rising nor the sorrow of sinking, keep this style of living. Ignore those who don’t understand you. If there is nothing to give, give respect to the person in front, this will also be a big donation.
by Newspositive
There are both virtues and defects in every human being, the only difference is that. The one who engraves sees the virtue, and the one who searches sees the flaw.
by Newspositive
The real taste of water is known when we are very thirsty. In the same way, love and cooperation are known when we are in great difficulty.