If you have the habit of “Praying” and “Serve” for others. So you won’t need to “pray” on your own.
If you have the habit of “Praying” and “Serve” for others. So you won’t need to “pray” on your own.
If you have the habit of “Praying” and “Serve” for others. So you won’t need to “pray” on your own.
Getting what you want is a success. There is happiness in wanting what one has got.
A pessimistic person sees only difficulties in every opportunity, whereas an optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty.
“It is better to express anger towards someone immediately than to keep it in mind, just as it is better to burn in a moment than to smoulder for a long time.”
It is better to cry than to be angry that anger hurts others while tears flow silently through the soul and cleanse the heart.
Never be proud of knowledge, this pride destroys knowledge. Two things should never be allowed to go in vain, a particle of food and a moment of joy.