Angel of Humanity: Nihal Raja
When the program for organizing any kind of social-cultural literary event is decided in the entire district, only one name emerges and that is Nihal Raza.
When the program for organizing any kind of social-cultural literary event is decided in the entire district, only one name emerges and that is Nihal Raza.
Newspapers have started publishing you as pad girl and television channels have also aired your work and today the fame of this pad girl of Lucknow has started reaching far and wide. Now you are being rewarded with various types of awards and today you have become the pride of not only Lucknow but of entire Uttar Pradesh.
In district Ayodhya, Police Sub-Inspector Ranjit Yadav ji has arranged his daily routine in such a way that he leaves after doing his police duty with full devotion. To serve society, the environment, towards nature. Being a diverse field of service, there is tremendous diversity in your service as well.
You went on to create many timeless compositions like Main Payal Hoon, Jai Hind Ki Sena, Teesra Kambal, and Nar Katha and emerged as a strong watchdog of the society in the name of “Mahendra Bhishma”.
About twenty years ago, Mr. Milind Ponkshe ji saw that girls have to be victims of many types of exploitation, in this physical exploitation is the main one. Milind ji was even more surprised to know that most of the physical abusers of girls are their own close ones and girls are not able to speak against them.
Is it possible to use mantras in the field of painting with such a top class that it becomes a global achievement? This is completely true and the name of the unsurpassed art devotee who has done this is Mr. Sanjay Lashkari.