Queen of Periodic Table: Bushra Nida

Queen of Periodic Table: Bushra Nida

Today, you are seen as a promising student as well as a celebrity, as well as you have become a role model for thousands of girls. Your father passed away on October 22, 2019, which left you broken for some time, but Bushra ji is moving fast towards his destination, determined and determined to fulfil his father’s dreams. A day will surely come when not only Kashmir but the whole of India will be proud of you.

Priest of Technology in the Temple of Yoga: Pradeep Kumar Patar

Priest of Technology in the Temple of Yoga: Pradeep Kumar Patar

Being well-versed in the field of yoga, you thought of making a world record and during this time your name was also registered in many organizations. But you had a desire that your name should be registered in the Golden Book of World Records, a world-famous organization, for this you contacted the office of the organization and sent an application for the record. On 30 April 2020, in the Golden Book of World Records, “Longest Performance of Vakrasan Yoga” for 6 minutes and “Longest Performance of Mayurasan Yoga on conduit Grip” for 1 minute recorded its name in the world record. Along with this, other records of yours are also in the process of being registered. This extraordinary achievement of yours was highly appreciated and you were honoured with many honours.