by Mrigendra Raj Pandey
That loving mother like a goddess is distributing a drop of light in the lives of thousands of human beings. Today this goddess has become the pride of the entire Uttarakhand and people know her greatly by the name of respected Gunjan Bisht Arora.
by Mrigendra Raj Pandey
Mr Pankaj Prasoon ji had started sprouting towards poetry since his adolescence. By the time you reached the age of high school, you started writing poems. Gradually your pen started moving towards proficiency in writing small jokes and satirical articles.
by Mrigendra Raj Pandey
Shri Suryakant Pandey, who dedicated his entire life to preserving and enhancing the memories of the martyrs, is trying to fulfil this dream of setting up a huge museum in the name of Ashfaq Ullah Khan.
by Mrigendra Raj Pandey
Every human being has a personality of his own, and this is also the identity of a human being. In a crowd of millions of people, a person with a unique personality is recognized only because of his uniqueness. To differentiate oneself from the crowd one has to do something different, it is easy to follow the established path but such people cannot do anything new and creative. To be successful and famous, it is necessary to make your identity different from the crowd. The people involved in the crowd have no independent identity, on the contrary, those who make a different identity from the crowd, are always remembered, because those who walk against the stream shine as stars. Shri J. K. Jain, a resident of Jaipur, Rajasthan, is the owner of such a special personality.