Better education is very necessary for everyone to move ahead in life and achieve success. It helps in developing confidence in us as well as building our personality. School education plays a great role in everyone’s life. Education not only develops our personal development but also brings positive changes in society. It plays an important role in us achieving an excellent position in the society. Education gives us the ability to move forward towards more civilized and intellectual development. The struggles of parents and teachers transform us into educated and dedicated individuals. They are our real guides, who help us move forward towards success. There have been many teachers in India who have contributed significantly to the field of education with utmost dedication and selflessness. There is one such teacher who keeps teaching in a very unique way, his name is Mr. Aditya Kumar, aka ‘Cycle Wale Guruji’.

Born in Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh, Aditya Kumar aims to provide quality education to the children who are the future of this country and he does so on a bicycle. Aditya Kumar has travelled thousands of kilometres across the country on his bicycle, teaching underprivileged children for free. After completing his BSc in 1995, Aditya Kumar decided to use his educational qualifications as a teacher to educate the children of the country and set out on his bicycle to make India literate. Aditya Kumar travels about 60-70 kilometres every day and also teaches children on the way, on the road, in slums and he has been doing this continuously since 1995. For this work of educating children for a long period on a bicycle as a teacher, the name of Shri Aditya Kumar ji was registered in the Golden Book of World Records as a world record with the title of “Longest Career as Bicycle Teacher“.

In a country like India, quality education has become a luxury, such efforts of Shri Aditya Kumar Ji for the sake of humanity and to make the country a better place deserve appreciation from all. In a developing country, many children are still deprived of education just because they cannot afford it. At such a time, Aditya Kumar i.e. Cycle Wale Guruji emerged as a messiah for the country. Wherever his bicycle stops, that place becomes his school. His goal is to teach reading and writing to more than one crore children in the country.