Not thousand two thousand or millions of years of calendar, any type of calculation related to billions of years ago giving accurate answers even faster than computers. Mr Gyanendra Singh Hada, a resident of Bundi, Rajasthan, has set a record in the field of memory and has hoisted the flag of Rajasthan all over the world. Mr Gyanendra Singh Hada, working as a teacher of English subject in New Nehru Senior Secondary School in Rajasthan, has done much research on increasing memory. How to increase memory easily, at first you used it on yourself and after achieving success, started training students on this subject. You memorized the calendar of billions of years simply and surprised everyone by doing any type of calculation related to it in a few seconds. Mr Gyanendra Singh Hada, who has defeated even the computer with his memory, has proved his talent by challenging Microsoft. Your name has been registered in the Golden Book of World Records in the year 2014 by doing fast mathematical calculations. The success of your research has been appreciated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. Born on June 19, 1982, in Bundi to Mr Surendra Singh Hada, a lawyer, this unique mathematician, inspired by scholars like India’s ancient mathematician Aryabhatta, has a strong desire to do research based on ancient knowledge. Under your guidance, many students are marching towards heights and in the year 2018, your student Snehal Maheshwari has also registered her name in the Golden Book of World Records.