Creating a world record by completing more than 300 workshops for cleanliness in different regions of the country within just one and a half years is not easy even for resourceful government institutions. It is almost impossible for a special person to do this work on his strength. But the amazing Karma Warrior, who made this impossible possible, is Mr Bindu Bhushan Dubey, a resident of Ranchi in Jharkhand. The campaign launched by this unique sentinel of nature for the conservation and promotion of all the components of nature looks like the descent of Bhagirath into the Ganges. You have not only limited yourself to the programs of cleanliness, but you are on the path of all-around development of the land of India, upgradation of our cultural heritage and making the country prosperous in multidimensional form and becoming a world guru. It remains in your efforts that the country is not only economically strong but also that every citizen of the land of India should be healthy, and cultured and should contribute to strengthening the harmony of all the components of nature. Shriyut Dubey ji, determined to illuminate the whole of India with the light of cleanliness, is also trying with full dedication to make the continuous stream of Ganga ji clean. Given your unbroken practice, the Namami Gange Project and the Clean Ganga Mission started by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, have been made the National Convenor of Jan Jagran. You started your cleanliness campaign on 11th July 2017 at a college in Jharkhand.
After this, this journey reached many parts of the country like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, Kolkata, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand. On December 24, 2018, on the completion of three hundred and one workshops of your great campaign, the world-famous world record organization Golden Book of World Records recorded it as a world record. Born on January 1, 1971, in Ranchi, Mr Bindu Bhushan Dubey after completing his graduation in commerce, chose social service as his path and set out on this path. Since 2000 AD, you are working in this direction with full dedication. For the overall development and protection of the universe, as the President of a national organization named All India National Peace Foundation, you keep on organizing various events and making people aware, not only in India but also in many countries of the world.
The more emphasis you put on the external cleanliness of a person, the more attention is paid to the internal cleanliness, that is, the mind should be pure, and well-cultured. You believe that otherwise, external cleanliness will prove meaningless. You keep on doing hundreds of programs to awaken everyone so that there is harmony in all the components of nature. In the present race of blind development, you are very distressed about the great harm done by man towards nature, that is why this unique warrior who has dedicated himself for the upliftment of the whole creation is engaged in his unbroken work practice.